
Our integrated management systems


Since our company was founded, we have been continuously striving to strengthen the expectations, trust and satisfaction of our customers and partners. In this spirit, we established our quality management system in 1999 in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, which we have maintained and continuously improved since then.

Trends and challenges in the IT market have highlighted the fact that customer expectations of suppliers and service providers have come to the fore

  • identifying risks, mitigating them where possible and managing residual risks
  • ensuring a high level of information and service security.

Recognising this, we were among the first in the Hungarian human IT market to have our integrated quality management, IT service management and information security management system, developed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 standards, successfully certified in mid-February 2016.

Certification areas of the integrated management system

ISO 9001

Development, implementation and support of integrated human IT business management systems.

ISO/IEC 20000-1

Service management system for the operation, support and maintenance of integrated human resources business management systems for external customers

ISO 27001

Security of customer and organisational data managed in the context of IT hosting services.


Main activities of the Software Development Division in the Hungarian IT market for medium, large and multinational companies subject to competition laws

  • development of integrated human IT software,
  • implementation and customisation,
  • and the provision of related support.

The main activities of the Outsourcing Division are related to HR for small, medium, large and multinational companies subject to Hungarian competition laws:

  • data processing,
  • and document management services.

Main activities of IT operations:

  • Provision of hosting services using products developed by the Company
  • Provision of Oracle database management hosting services
  • the operational management of L-SOFT’s IT systems.

Our fundamental goals

  • to increase our market share in our field of activity,
  • to meet the quality and security requirements of our customers,
  • to meet our customers’ expectations in terms of data protection and information security,
  • meeting our customers’ IT service security requirements,
  • continuously addressing risks and opportunities

Information Security Policy

Our goal is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and traceability of information and information management assets through security activities within the information security framework of our operations.

We give priority to information security issues. To achieve these objectives, we operate an information security management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 and are committed to its further development. We make it a priority to understand, comply with and enforce relevant legislation, regulations and data protection laws.

We operate a risk assessment-based system, the primary aim of which is to identify and assess potential sources of danger and threats and take the necessary countermeasures. We develop rules to manage potential incidents, taking into account the specificities of the systems to be protected, while respecting business continuity requirements. Ensure that information security incidents are prevented as far as possible. Information security and data protection incidents are managed and the causes of incidents are investigated. We ensure the physical security protection of our assets and infrastructure with state-of-the-art technical tools and trained professionals.

We are constantly improving our protection systems to prevent unauthorised intrusion, unauthorised access, intentional or accidental errors and damage. We ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and information processing procedures. We regularly review access methods and privileges. We continuously improve the information security awareness of our staff in order to achieve our security policy objectives.

New information systems are procured and existing systems are upgraded with information security in mind.
Our information security processes are evaluated annually through a management review.

Main elements of our governance policy

Maintaining an integrated management system that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 is a key element of L-SOFT Zrt’s strategy.

In order to set the development goals of the integrated management system, the management continuously monitors the human IT development and services market, market acquisition and information security trends, and shapes the company’s business strategy accordingly.

The core task of our company’s management is to define the objectives of our integrated management system, to continuously monitor and update its implementation, and to communicate them to our employees and customers.

Our employees have a duty to ensure, protect and improve the quality, information security and IT service levels expected by the owners, and to comply with the relevant rules and regulations.

Each employee is responsible for monitoring activities related to the management of risks in the area of product and service production and for presenting to management any opportunities identified. The management examines and evaluates the options identified and decides on their implementation.

In the selection of external service providers and in our relations with them, a quality- and service-oriented approach and an information security approach are followed and enforced.

We strive to maintain the long-term efficient operation of the Company, to maintain and develop our market competitiveness and to enhance the confidence of our customers by managing our resources rationally.

To maintain and improve the quality of our services and the security of information

  • we are expanding the range of our products and services,
  • maintain the compliance of our products and services with the relevant legal requirements,
  • modernise our products and maintain our competitiveness through the use of new information technologies,
  • by introducing new information security tools and technologies, we strive to continuously improve the quality, security and standards of our services.

The basic objective of our human resources strategy is to provide the human resources necessary to maintain and develop the efficient operation of the Company and to increase customer satisfaction, i.e. to facilitate


  • to ensure that the jobs created are filled by professionals with the appropriate skills and knowledge in the relevant field,
  • to facilitate the integration of new employees and the taking up of new posts,
  • to keep up to date with changes in legislation affecting our areas of activity,
  • improving the skills of our staff by learning about new IT development and information security technologies, and familiarising all our staff with the requirements,
  • implementation and methods of the management system and the expectations set out in ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1,
  • to actively participate in the achievement of the objectives of the management system.