
Our Cafeteria services

Our services connected to the introduction of the cafeteria benefit system.
Nowadays, there is an increased interest in introducing the cafeteria-type benefits. It is no wonder as the employers can increase the commitment of their employees in a really cost-effective way.

What is cafeteria?

The term means optional fringe benefits (VBKJ). The basic idea for the cafeteria-type benefit schemes is that the employees should have a limit and they can choose from the benefits offered by the employer according to their needs.

The cornerstone of the cafeteria benefits is cost-effectiveness and the observation of the rules of the current tax law. Taking the interests of the labour force retention into account, it is important what proportion of the given employer’s cost elements the employee actually receives.

When the employer decides to introduce the cafeteria benefit system, it must create the conditions for the operation: write the cafeteria policy and the cafeteria statement. The employer should communicate the new benefit system to its employees.



In connection with the introduction of our PIRAMIS Cafeteria module, we have developed a multi-level service portfolio.

Our goal is to take over the initial tasks of the companies that choose to introduce the cafeteria-type benefit system, as far as required by our clients, and to help them.

Among other things, we can write their cafeteria policy, comment on a cafeteria policy, prepare the statement form, and help to understand and accept the new benefit form by the employees on presentations.

The success of our service is guaranteed by our experienced cafeteria experts who are familiar with the current legal environment, and assist the whole introduction process in cooperation with the users.


  • Expert review of the Cafeteria policy
  • Co-operation to prepare the customer’s cafeteria policy
  • Making a statement form
  • We compile information material for the employees
  • We give a presentation about the cafeteria system to be introduced to the client’s employees
  • The introduction is supported by our experienced consultants who help the client for the duration and extent the client requires it.