
Organizational development with IT support for the modelling and creation of multi-level corporate hierarchies, and the complex organizational structures become transparent.

Organizational development with IT support

The PIRAMIS™ organizational development provides a high degree of planning freedom for the modelling and creation of hierarchical relationships (subordination, superordination) related to the different activities and work processes. These may be, for example, project operation, management, and control structures.

The representation of the corporate structure can be done with graphical charts and in tabular form.

The hierarchy of third-party partners connected to a company’s activity can also be displayed through the integration of the product family, and the entrepreneurs and companies registered on the basis of contracts recorded in other modules can also be included in the hierarchy

The hierarchy of the organizational

The hierarchy of the organizational unit types can be built up.

The descriptive data of the organizations that make up the hierarchies can also be stored – such as account numbers, managers, address, and communication data.

The historical tracking of changes in the hierarchies is provided, so the employees’ positions in the structures can be followed even years before the current organizational structure.

In addition to displaying the entire organization, it is also possible to maintain and query hierarchical relationships between the employees – superior /subordinate/ deputy. The module provides the management of several hierarchies at the level of the individuals, according to the labour law, business and other aspects.